"Oeil pour œil finira par rendre le monde entier aveugle." ~ Gandhi.

" An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind."

457 873

Este mundo de locos que sufre tanto... 🌎🌴🔥
¿Por qué? 💔

10 24

This is hypocrisy at its finest!! The world cries when an imposed religious building burns down, but when the most important ecosystem of our planet is on fire, no one talks about it! Please help spread the word

109 113

.PRAY//for us
.with all the crazy stuff happening, make sure you find some time to do so chale

2 4

Los líderes mundiales deben cambiar su concepto de "paz"

4 13

Barcelona, Afganistán, Estambul, París, Irak, Londres, Siria, Bélgica, Somalia, Egipto, Pakistán...

14 41

In honour of Respect and Protect our Planet 🌊🌿💙#ocean

1 2

Every time you turn on the news or hop on Twitter. Something crazy is going on.

48 59

Let's all love one another, that's all. ❤️💛💚💙💜

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