John the Baptist preaches, Bernardo Strozzi, c. 1644

(Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien)

3 12

12 Oct 1586: Richard Fletcher Dean of [later the bishop of preaches to the commissioners charged with the trial of Mary Queen (BM)

5 6

Custom Funky Monkey named LMB. Once Bonzo University’s life of the party, now preaches life at parties. After graduating, LMB took a path of righteousness. Traveling areas promoting happiness with jokes and tricks. Just be careful of LMBs sleight of hand! Welcome to the FMFH!

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When the talking cheese preaches a bit too much

49 327

The funeral of King Henry VII.

In the upper right, Bishop John Fisher (later executed by Henry VIII for opposing his divorce) preaches the sermon.

Henry's effigy, dressed in royal robes and crowned and sceptred, is seen lying on top of his draped coffin below.

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If you’re struggling for inspiration, Siân Dudley preaches the need for patience and a closer observation of natural light:

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It's been a minute since I posted a comic page for Miora's Hell lol. In this one, Miora preaches her opinion of her hatred for water, when suddenly a Karen comes in and calls her a waterist...Miora's comeback is clever lol

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"teacher", hmm
well, there's the ones at trouton high, but if i have to settle for one, it'd have to be lucy since she preaches about a certain goddess
(and like darjal, her teachings are... not exactly scriptural nor humane lol)

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warm up art block

Manny the mantis. part of a doomsday cult that preaches of "The Great Light" (those bug zappers). Is able to prattle on forever.

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A quick delivery for an anonymous /tg/ user. A Genasi cleric who lives in the desert and preaches the local faith. I did this to shake some cobwebs loose and have fun.

Tried something new with the different coloured outline for the hair. I like it.

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John the Baptist preaches, Bernardo Strozzi, c. 1644

(Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien)

7 19

12 Oct 1586: Richard Fletcher Dean of [later the bishop of preaches to the commissioners charged with the trial of Mary Queen (BM)

5 8

In this, Claremont’s X-Men empowers marginalized readers to feel the frustrations created by social inequity, rather than encouraging some variation of noble suffering for the sake of subservience. X-Men preaches tolerance, but also clearly understands the toll that takes. 10/10

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10 Aug 1662: Jeremy Taylor, writer and bishop of Down & Connor whose health was beginning its long decline, preaches in (BM). He died on 13 Aug 1667.

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Lyra preaches from the Holy Book of Celestianism

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Farrakhan preaches that ALL non-black people were created to be evil by a mad scientist in order to take over the world.

But no, we gotta call out some random tiny statue.

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- always sleepy
- has wings but can't fly
- preaches at the docks about the Old Ones
- drips everywhere but doesn't see why that's a problem
- has a dedicated following
- cute(?)

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Safí Suth'Barìv, an ex-thief who now preaches against crime, THROUGH MUSIC!

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Happy Easter!

Friendly reminder that Linus is a false teacher who preaches about the Great Pumpkin and the Easter Beagle.

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