Latest in my shop! Powerpuff Scouts ⭐️❤️ Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup reinvented with some Moon, Prism, Power! ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Link in Bio!

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Little bit discouraged rn so hopefully this helps! You can support me on my IG @/prismpowerart

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Finally got and today! That means 4 down only 6 left! I changed a little bit of the old Sailor Moon so that she matched the others better. Chibi moon’s shirt says

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Some previews of a Sailor Moon pencil case I'm designing!!#SailorMoonCrystal

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Celebrating like a boss thanks to Varvara Gorbash. Check out her cool work

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Working on UI stuff for NOTE: The placeholder BG is't mine, but I'd love to know where it's from!

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