Utterly soulless commission i did after fucking a prostitute my life feels empty

19 146

Van Gogh cut off his ear gave it to a prostitute who flung it away in extreme.. disgust. "Van, whores don't want ears, they want money. I guess that's why you were such a great painter: you didn't understand much else." -Charles Bukowsky

Oh, also GM ☀️

9 25

Saber Galahad Alter is so fun
Mf just gave up on being a perfect knight and just went "prostitutes are amazing, actually"

81 897

. 『センスのない画家、娼婦を描く』
(Painter with no taste, painting prostitutes)

1 0

Social media spaces are less like the town square & more like old coffee houses. Imagine a place filled with schemes & dreams. Where poets, publicans, philosophers, politicians, prostitutes & peasants rub elbows; everybody chasing that exotic buzz from a distant colony.

46 155

Micol Arianna Beltramini e Daniele Serra reinterpretano le murder ballads: storie di incubi, passioni, ossessioni. E sangue, tanto sangue
Bambini perduti nel bosco, amanti crudeli e folli, brigantesse, prostitute, assassini seriali.

2 5

. 『娼婦として生きる初音ミク』
(Hatsune Miku living as a prostitute)

1 1

. 『娼婦のアニマ』
(Prostitute Anima)

1 1

Today i focused more on school projects rather than personal ones.

I'm redesigning some NPCs from Alice Madness Returns. These sketches are based on victorian era prostitutes.

0 6

Image of Ayato working as a male prostitute
(MobWaka) In my heart, I've been thinking only about Thoma...

8 34

. 『Light blue hair, V-shaped bangs, bob cut hair, white skin, red eyes, big breasts, prostitute)』

0 2

. 『銀髪の娼婦、スカートを広げる)』
((Silver-haired prostitute, skirt spread))

2 1

. 『5人の女性、娼婦)』
((Five women, prostitutes))

0 1

. 『サイバースーツを着た娼婦の初音ミク)』
((Hatsune Miku, a prostitute in a cyber suit))

0 3

. 『娼婦になった女王、夜、路地裏)』
((Queen turned prostitute, night, alleyway))

0 0

. 『娼婦になった初音ミクさん 夜)』
(Miku Hatsune who became a prostitute (night))

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. 『褐色の肌 黒髪 大きな胸 風俗嬢)』
((Brown skin, dark hair, big breasts, prostitute))

0 0

. 『緑髪 ロングヘア 上目遣い 風俗嬢)』
((Green hair, long hair, upper eyes, prostitute))

0 0

. 『緑髪 ロングスカート 風俗嬢)』
((Green hair, long skirt, prostitute))

0 4

Maid bringing Hookah to a Lady
c.1890 Kalighat Painting
lady in red is fashionable high society concubine or prostitute depicted as hookah-smoking, paan-(betel leaf) chewing. wealth created by East India Company made it possible for Bengali babu to have concubines

7 5