Pudgy Penguin bought for 6.81 ETH (11,926.97 USD) on X2Y2

⚠️Marked Suspicious


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Pudgy Penguin bought for 31.16 ETH (56,743.25 USD) on Opensea


15 77

, managed to create this beautiful king penguin using the AI take a look how regal he is!

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Pudgy Penguin bought for 6.90 ETH (12,507.77 USD) on Opensea


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Pudgy Penguin has a new bid of 25.00 WETH (45,720.00 USD) on Opensea


1 2

Pudgy Penguin bought for 6.00 WETH (10,533.96 USD) on Opensea


0 6

Pudgy Penguin has a new bid of 20.50 WETH (35,911.90 USD) on Opensea


0 11

Pudgy Penguin has a new bid of 20.00 WETH (35,036.00 USD) on Opensea


0 6

Pudgy Penguin has a new bid of 20.00 WETH (35,036.00 USD) on Opensea


0 6

Pudgy Penguin has a new bid of 20.00 WETH (35,093.00 USD) on Opensea


0 1

Pudgy Penguin bought for 7.00 WETH (12,633.81 USD) on Opensea


1 23

I picked Pudgy Penguin to draw in my own style. What do you think about it? 👀

Any idea who will be the next founder?
Clue: 💚 https://t.co/Fy86SxfaIB

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Mystical PudgyPenguins

6 47


It’s official 🥳 the deal is complete! Thank you for the smooth trade 🤝 thank you for helping and thank you for making me a penguin 🐧 🥚

7 64

An 8-year-old made a cute hat for Lil Pudgy in minutes.

3 13

In the past 24 hours, 's trading volume is up by +100%, LilPudgy's are up +200% and Pudgy Rods are up by +400% 👀🔥 Anyone know the cause?

0 5

NFT by PudgyPenguinsKing. Been eyeing the for a good while and finally got the chance to join the huddle. Bullish on and the pudgies community 🐧

16 93

Mfer is me, so is Penguin.
All of which I love.#mfer

6 49