here's my entry for ✨ i hope u like it pinaaヽ( 'ω' )ノ

25 84

Yeayy untuk pertama kalinya ikutan dtiys punya gemessss banget gambarnya, suka! ❤️
Selamat atas 600 followernya yaa ✨✨✨

10 38

Finally i finished DTIYS from . Lucu bangwt gambar nyaaa, sukaaa💜💜

2 6

Finally I finish this dtiys from kak pin honestly I luv her skin tone 😘 oiya aku ganti bajunya jadi mini dress, kaya versi anak jaman now nya🤣🤣 so much fun join your dtiys kak pin🥳

31 91

Hi hi~ congrats on your 600 followers ✨✨✨
I really enjoy drawing ur OC because she's so prittiiii 😍

7 22

Ikutan dtiys punya karena OCnya sangat cantiiik 🥰🥰🥰
Selamat atas 600 followersnya ✨✨✨

5 11

Hello everyone!✨
To celebrate my 600 followers on twitter and 500 followers on instagram, I decided to hold a DTIYS 🎊
Rules and prizes will be attached on the thread bellow yaa💕

95 210

Here is my small of Mewtwo ^^
I tried to be as accurate as how it may look in games and I am pleased with the image, of course being as accurate may not always be the goodest looking so I layered the purplelines to easily remove them

4 11

monochrome展が終わった後は引き続き さんで開催される第1回タニマチPurpleLine展(4/30-5/5)に出展します。

写真お借りしましたm(_ _)m

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Samille 個展
『Samille 〜Fashion&Presentation2019〜』


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【sora+ 展示のご案内】
アサミ 初個展『柴犬日和』



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鴫原佳代 個展『環-ring-』



4 7


※同時開催中の とは別の企画です!非常に紛らわしくてすみませんが、これはカエルカバン個人がBADGE BROOCH 万博の為に考えた企画ですのでご了承下さい。

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