I'm asking for headpat because I feel a little bit dizzy but instead of that I got this gorgeous fanart! Omg omg thank you for the amazing fanart! I really2 love it! 💜💜💜

I hope I could perform again 💜😊

3 26

Sorry for the late b'day gift~~ here for you, Happy birthday Hope you'll like it, sukses lalu kedepannya yaaahh~ ganbatte ne!! 😊💜

note: ada yang png, klo mau dm Ragisa aja ya Zu~

1 22

[POV] When Rachan's mad because you simp another mommy~ 😅👉👈

Rachan: How dare you!!! Simp another mommy when already know that my mom always tryin her best to make you happy??!! 😤

Credit: https://t.co/1JZXabkf19

2 17

Here for you thanks for your support for all of vtubers out there, I really appreciate your hardwork because, even it's just a "single little things" for you... It means A LOT FOR US as a vtubers! Hope you'll like it~ 😊💜


3 27

Ohabunny minna! How your sleep last night? well, Have a nice day!! 💜😊

Rachan: Niichan, let's go search for loyal sugar daddy for mommy and both of us! 💜
Raka: uhm! uhm! so mommy could have that boing2 booba~

Credit: https://t.co/l9z4T9QK6q

0 25

Sesekali ngehalu sama oshi sendiri boleh kan yaa?? 😊👉👈 💜

Credit: https://t.co/pcjyeAWv60

0 18

Yuhhuu... uwu ga sihh emoji ama sticker vampy bunny yang baru~ naahh kalo kalian mau get in touch sama Ragisa, mau having fun pake Vampy Bunny Emojinya, bisa loohh dateng aja sini masuk ke Bunny hole~

Yang mau linknya, bsa DM Ragisa ya~😊💜

1 16

Konnibunny minnaaa!!! I've just saw this one on my fanart channel at Bunny Hole lately and omg omg this is so cute!!! 😭😭😭😭💜💜💜💜 Thank you for the lovely fanart!!!

1 25

Ejoy your rest time When you comeback someday with new spirit... I just wanna let you know that I'll be the first person to welcome you back with warm hug. I love you niitan 💜😊
Credit: https://t.co/Da0m7XZbAA

4 35

Ohabunny! Selamat memasuki bulan Ramadhan dan selamat berpuasa bagi yang merayakan. Ragisa smpet kepikiran buat bikin voice alarm buat bangunin kalian sahur... kira2 menurut kalian gmana? Mau?

Well dont worry, ga bakal yabe kok 💜😊

0 30

a-a-ano Ragisa mau istirahat sebentar ya dari tadi rada ngantuk gegara kecapean, ini Ragisa mau bobo siang dlu... ada yang mau nemenin tdr kah? Ragisa takut mimpi buruk~ 🥺👉👈


0 18

Ohabunny minna! Uwwaa... makasih yang ud dateng di bday streamnya Wanwan smalem~ anyway jangan lpa sarapan, trus mandi biar wangy wanggyy... Have a nice day! 😊💜

H-2 before debut stream. DAG DIG DHUAR

Credit: https://t.co/lwymTuIT9B

0 22

Ohabunny! Makasih yang sudah datang di premiere debut teaser smalem 😊💜 Gmana kabar kalian? smoga sehat yas~ Have a nice day! Love you all!! 💜💜

Oiya kmungkinan hari ini Ragisa bakal off twitter smpe nanti sore buat ngejar deadline😅

0 20

Off twitter and DC for a few hours. Gonna speed run to work with my deadline. But I'll make sure to tell you here when I wanna get some sleep later 😊💜

And also don't worry I'll take care of myself~

[Sorry I turn off the comment] 😅

1 13

Ohabunny minna! Semoga tidur kalian nyenyak semalam~ 😊💜Anyway, smangart yah buat yang kerja, sekolah, bahkan yang mageran pun hayok kudu smangart dan tetep produktif yas~

Ragisa ngajar dlu ya, so bakal slow resp sampe nanti jam 2 siang 😅

1 18

Ohabunny minna! I hope that you all sleep well last night~ 😊 Whoa... what's that you eat for breakfast? It looks so yummy! Can I get a little bite? 🤤💜

w-w-wait~ just 1 more people until I got 100RT? 👀

credit: https://t.co/MLyPdKrxFl

0 20

Ohabunny minna! Get ready for my new costume? Wait for it yaass... bakalan Ragisa post malem ini nanti skalian reveal tanggal debutnya~ 💜😊

"Will you wait for me a little bit even it's just for a png?" 😅

Credit: https://t.co/TYWnsB2NQE

2 19

OHABUNNY! I've already take my breakfast get ready to drawing again~ I wish you have a nice weekend!!! RAGISA LOVE YOU AAAALLLLLL! 😍😍😍💜💜💜

Credit: https://t.co/TYWnsB2NQE

1 13

WUUAAAAHH!!! NIITAANN ARIGATOUU!! AAAAKK This is so sweet and adorable~ sayang Niitan!😍😍😍💜💜💜

Makasih buat fanart sebelum Ragisa ganti kostumnya.. aaahh sukak banget ini huuuee~ 💜💜😭😭😭

Artist: https://t.co/u1yNfXOfrT

1 22