This was a old anD FASt live2d practice(? pYA
controls are very fun
Character belongs to <3

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//horror(?, idk)

Pya but scary monster also Likes and Rts would be so swag!!

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Do you like sharks? Do you want to donate to an organization dedicated to the welfare of sharks?

Check out 's annual PYA zine! All proceeds go to AND!

I drew a Port Jackson shark picture for it.
So check it out!

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More art fight art!
Pya ( Magbrid ), Maximum Overdrive ( mowolf95), and Enfi (rerekinn)

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1 year ago commissioned me to draw her girls Uto and Pya: at that moment I was working with watercolors and I was completely new to Twitter. Today I had the pleasure to work on one of her OCs again and I also got a new friend so I want to say: THANK YOU, MISSY! 💖

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she's really cute!!
- goes "pya!" and "pyai!" when she's surprised
- at first she stumbles a lot on her words since she's nervous
- she doesn't know what /kind/ of idol she wants to be, since she mainly just became an idol to stay with her childhood friends (rest of noctchill)

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पितासि लोकस्य चराचरस्य त्वमस्य पूज्यश्च गुरुर्गरीयान्‌।
न त्वत्समोऽस्त्यभ्यधिकः कुतोऽन्योलोकत्रयेऽप्यप्रतिमप्रभाव॥

Pitasi lokasya characharasya
tvam asya pujyas cha gurur gariyan
na tvat-samo ‘sty abhyadhikah kuto ‘nyo
loka-traye ‘pya apratima-prabhava॥

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