Day 13 - "fred savage except he never did tv but rather developed an intense passion for creating new ice cream flavours"

i dont know who fred savage is so i just image searched his name and worked from there

1 7

Day 12 - "an assemblage of corporate synergies"

you're fired you're fired you're fired 😶😶😶

1 11

Day 11 - "mall"

Fun fact: in Australia we call malls "shopping centres"|

also i kinda phoned this one in

1 9

Day 10 - "dark stone"

I think I made a Digimon by accident.

2 9

Day 9 - "bad time to be a bronco's fan"

And so Gorallath the Sports Devourer consumes the last planet where sports are celebrated.
(I don't know what a Bronco's is)

1 10

Day 8 - "a bat going all like 'yah'"

One of my first tabletop experiences was playing a cute bat mailgirl in Ironclaw. Her whole gimmick was using a packages from a mailbag as ammunition to throw.

3 13

Day 7 - "4th dimension The Office"

"Michael! Jim has trapped me in the eternal stapler realm again!"

3 15

Day 6 - "amsterdam but more powerful"

First they conquered the seas,

4 18

Day 4 - "favorite tree wearing favorite pasta"

there's been a terrible accident at the pine tree spinach-and-ricotta agnolotti factory... again
she's doing her best, okay?

0 14

Day 3 - "pulled muscle"

remember to do stretches before strenuous activity

1 10

Day 1 - "abraham lincoln fruit cup"

now with extra America in every bite

3 19

I was bored, so I arted 's Demo(n) again.
Partially just an excuse to mess around with lighting and learn how to draw explosions.

[Marge holding a potato image] I just think she's neat.

8 15

thinking about raocow's marisa voice

1 7

An entry for the little Art Contest over on 's Patreon Discord.
Demo and Shadow have swapped universes! D:
Both are... Surprisingly just as doomed as they were before. Huh.

7 19

been watching/listening to raocow playing okami. i un-perved her design. i am obsessed with dim light lately

0 4

Day 5 - "a friendly house that won't stop talking about their dogs"

god dammit raocow why did you make me have to draw a house.
(there's another dog inside, they take turns)

5 14

Day 2 - "socks"
This time featuring raocow's OC Demo!
Any excuse to draw this cutie is a good excuse

11 17