My brain is actually allowing me to art! My most recent addition to my battling team is Floss the Galarian rapidash. She’s a super hard hitter and looks fabulous while doing it too.

And I wouldn’t have had her without trading me her as a ponyta all that time ago

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So, what I was 𝑔𝑜𝓃𝓃𝒶 do was, draw my toon with a Rapidash.
but i got slightly sidetracked

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a new OC of mine, Rosemary "Rose" lead singer in a band that I'll figure out at some point. I like Galarian Rapidash.

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A member of the EX Shield team, Percival the Galarian Rapidash.
He is amicable and has a rather princely air to him. Percival is actually a famous knight who was forgotten as time passed. He protected Glimwood Tangle incognito, until he met Hisako, Jacob, and Eimi.

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9) favorite alolan form - NINETALES.

10) favorite galar form - ponyta/rapidash.. made me love fairy types a lot more

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Favorite Galarian form.

Definitely Galarian Rapidash.

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8. Rapidash. Maybe it's because I was a "Horse Girl" when I was little, but I like Rapidash. It was a part of my very first team, in Diamond. I like that OG Rapidash isn't a stereotypically girly unicorn. Galarian Rapidash is, but I still like it.

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'Poke-ifying Balls - Rapidash'

New addition to the Pokeminification set, drawn as a Patreon Reward for Jaker17, turning into a Rapidash.

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steel/psychic galarian rapidash........ yes i traced it im not powerful enough to draw a full horse from scratch

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And the second result of the livestreaming is the spirituel son of Princess Celestia and some Galarian Rapidash.
Jokes apart, this is Saiya, a virtual boyfriend from Aggretsuko, I won't lie by saying he looks stunning.

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I hope my favorite pokémon squishing his face counts as a cute animal gif. For positivity.... I got a shiny Galarian Ponyta last week, trained some of his stats up and evolved him to Galarian Rapidash. I named him Spark.

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Mais uma comissão feita para o !! Adorei poder desenhar um Rapidash.

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Hey look I drew a sexy Rapidash. 🎶enjoy🎶

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(Young) Opal + Polo. She's a high-class rich lady, obviously she does the ojou-sama laugh. She has her own stable of perfect IVbred imported Kanto Rapidash.

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Did a pokemon fusion themed draw jam with some friends. Mine was Alolan Marowak + Rapidash.

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Made a gijinka of my shiny Galarian Rapidash. Used a new software to make this, and I'll never use it for drawing again. :>

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I don't think I caught all of your art segment, but I had fun drawing along with you guys! 5 minute art is hard. Also I'm very proud of my candyfloss rapidash.#TRGDirect

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I like your new Ponyta-sona, and he looks great as a Rubber Rocket.

I actually have two Rubber Rocket OCs, Ricky the Alolan Rattata and Reina the Galarian Rapidash. 😁🐭🦄

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I created this while doing an art stream! This is my version of the Mega-Evolution of Rapidash. I thought the trusty steed of Thor "Sleipnir" of nordic mythology would be a cool reference for this.

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