It was a cozy day for reading...and napping. :) 2663

4 28

Security Breach Vanessa info: You see that purple eye? It doesn't mean posession, it's a way of communicating with William, like semi-posession but Vanessa has free will. Her intentions and relationship with William? Keep reading...

9 112

so you're telling me this is how the male lead looks like in the webtoon jisung was reading... that motivated him to work out ...

324 2790

pov; you disturb Alhaitham while hes reading...

1 8

★ムー☆2022★Winter of reading...読書の秋→冬。

4 31

Some light reading... Celebrating that I got this lass to Lvl5O! (in also Ninja and Dragoon lol)

2 10

★ムー☆2022★Winter of reading...読書の秋→冬。
第29巻『絵画泥棒の挑戦状』。夢羽たちが商店街を救う! 森亞亭と謎解き対決! ラムセスが探偵に! ドキワク満載の全3編収録。ムーが大活躍!!

4 21

"Well, here I go. My name is Mark Heathcliff and it's been about a week since I went into hiding... Since the infection started spreading... I'm kind of new to this whole thing so let's journey through this together, okay? "

5 32

★ムー☆2022★Autumn of reading...読書の秋。

2 17

GENDER QUEER is as good as everyone says it is. Maia Kobabe is such a gifted storyteller. 100% this should be required reading...for everyone.

0 4

Thought I'd do some light reading...

Care to join in and see what I'm reading today?😏😏

2 10

★ムー☆2022★Autumn of reading...読書の秋。
第26巻『ムーVS忍者! 江戸の町をあぶり出せ!?』。現代と江戸時代。2つの話が展開するムーシリーズ特別編! 天才タクトもミクも(?)登場。

1 6

★ムー☆2022★Autumn of reading...読書の秋。

5 18

just sitting..


the internet is down...


88 2109

Day 3:Sun Tzu
oh no he fell asleep while reading...or is he ?

44 243

The alt virus is spreading.....
i credit the punk butters idea to
& scene kyle belongs to

108 642