It’s ! I’m excited to share my review of the book I was gifted a copy of: Twinkle, Twinkle, Diaper You! ¡Brilla, brilla, pañalito! by Ellen Mayer and Ying-Hwa Hu, published by . Read my review: 📚✍️

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(Grand)parenting at a distance - While in-person time can never be replaced, here’s a cool idea for interacting virtually: spend time reading together. Even better? Choose books from MCBD’s or list.

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The message of the children's book is that it doesn't matter how young or how old, how tall or how small, "there is courage and power in us all!" -

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How to Change the World: Find a Smallisall for peace, love, truth, kindness, respect, empathy, unity, action -

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The message of the children's book is that it doesn't matter how young or how old, how tall or how small, "there is courage and power in us all!" -

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"When they all stand as one hand-in-hand, the bond that is made can't be broken…For only kind words can be spoken." From How to Save the World:Find a Smallisall -

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'"How to Change the World: Find a Smallisall is a very special story that will inspire people of all ages to find their courage, harness their power and come together to make the world a better place."

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'"How to Change the World: Find a Smallisall is a very special story that will inspire people of all ages to find their courage, harness their power and come together to make the world a better place."

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If you have not yet acquainted yourself with the works of Kelly Starling Lyons, consider this your invitation via

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Get your FREE Downloadable Empathy Classroom Kit containing:
~ Book List – 18 books on Understanding Immigration and Refugees
~ Classroom Empathy Activities

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A time to celebrate and support the visibility of LGBTQIA folks - I am proud to be the author of Jamie is Jamie: A Book About Being Yourself and Playing Your Own Way.

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Once you’ve watched with , make sure to check out Aram’s LET’S GO TO TAEKWONDO! activities!

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A time to celebrate and support the visibility of LGBTQIA folks - I am proud to be the author of Jamie is Jamie: A Book About Being Yourself and Playing Your Own Way.

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Once you’ve watched with , make sure to check out Aram’s LET’S GO TO TAEKWONDO! activities!

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A time to celebrate and support the visibility of LGBTQIA folks - Happy Pride Month! I am proud to be the author of Jamie is Jamie: A Book About Being Yourself and Playing Your Own Way.

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