画質 高画質

Luo Binghe finally began to realize something.
Shen Jiu hissed at him.😾
Pot Jiu⚱️ & Luo Bingha👿 https://t.co/hfAALdDMw1

150 1070




1 7

I'm checking these once a day, just thinking on the editor's face when they realize something is off makes me giggle.

2 37

Realized I didn’t share this one, Saw it cause I was updating my Pixiv

30 268

In reality, 90% of my thought process are just” fuck it ,we ball”

0 10

I didn't know there was a Slitherfang in the game. I never realized it since I was running around in a panic trying not to die during that quest lol.

6 84

Art! Yg kyk gini sebutannya apa yah? Digital painting? Realism? Redraw?

6 325

Hmm I just realized that this new outfit I made for Rinko Made her look very familiar to GFL M4
Hmmmmmm 🤔 https://t.co/B8YBv65TUo

27 377

Actually just realized that’s a thing in her original design fake Fire Emblem fan smh my head

1 158

👼『Mother is so warm…』
In reality Mihya is Suncae’s son born from forced pregnancy. His only wish is for Cae to love and hugs him. And the only way he could get it is only through the illusion in his dreams…

125 1485


i love drawing faces
and i just now realise a lot of them are killing something


14 234


13 31

p sure KNK's modern style biggest influence was kogawa coz his art kinda had similar style like being cartoony and semi realistic at the same time?

Hard to describe but I think I saw similarities on both of their art style (how to express artistic "face")

2 15

【 Expectation vs Reality 】(3/3)

『今日は久しぶりに "寝るまで" 付き合います』

紫葉みちる [Michiru Shiba]

141 1296

【 Expectation vs Reality 】(2/3)


紫葉みちる [Michiru Shiba] https://t.co/nTh0ARuJn9

106 985

【 Expectation vs Reality 】(1/3)


紫葉みちる [Michiru Shiba]

187 1644

I just realized I did not need to do all this work LMAO

0 13

Flix slowly realizing that you know it was her who was a chaos gremlin



8 94