why should tumblr be the only place that gets my custom hellmos?

I give you: plantmo

in honor of the new Anton vid

7 18


Also I want more chubby listener designs🥺👉🏻👈🏻 BUT ANTON MY LOVE

11 55

One of the two big ol Redacted commissions I got to do this month! This one for @/kestrel of my version of Damien!

12 178

"Maybe you're my new goodluck charm, dude"

Rewatched the bowling video today and could not stop abt that line- he has a chokehold on me ur honor so here's a quick 20 min doodle :3

7 42

DAMN crew goin to the gym for the first time together :D I headcanon that when Hux's really focused, he looks kinda angry (as angry as he can be-) and Damien gets to see it for the first time <3 No this wasn't an excuse to draw Hux shirtless whatre you talkin abt-

4 44

Freelancer and Caelum? Freelancer and Caelum.
I love their younger brother and older sibling type dynamic so much it just adds to Freelancer’s found family dynamic so well.
Anyways little detail explanations will be below.

7 25

Hello Redacted fandom of twt! I hand you my redacted oc Aslan, gossip girl of the Shaw Pack. Sad you can’t see his other eye really at all, it was so pretty :’)
Finally worked up the courage to make a redacted acc haha-

5 12

I have come to introduce my version of Quinn.

4 15

SOMEONE FINALLY HAS A LAST NAMEEE <333 congrats to Asher Talbot for having two alive parents that love each other and a last name <33 Here's a quick lil doodle of him :3

10 54

🎶Me and the devil, walking side by side~🎶

5 14

How do I look with he/him pronouns in my bio /ref

6 17

My Echo design for ’s new Imperium project!! Check the first link in my linktree for the project call video if ya wanna sign up!!
(18+, SFW, but has mature themes because it’s the Imperium!)

8 27

like whatcha see, sweetheart?~

he’s chubby because i said so.

2 8

Vincent doodle for an ask on tumblr

18 211

Revamped D.A.M.N crew (+closeups)

Remember when I said that I'm never drawing more than 3 people at once? yeah...that was a lie apparently


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