I know y’all are watching

— but the real question for me is, who the hell has the intestinal fortitude to take the title off Mutoh?

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been meaning to finish this but i just never had the time
really inspired by the amazing @/SheepEva11 and how they draw their aus so i wanted to do something similar with mine.. 😳👉👈❤

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"Pair Of Red-Crowned Cranes In Lotus Pond (荷塘双鶴)" by River Han

The red-crowned crane is often known as a symbol of luck, longevity & fidelity.

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Last bit of side characters!! 😃... For now at least. There maybe more in the future as I develop the comic farther. xD

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Happy Friday 😀Painting dancing cranes again, testing more colours.
I like the symmetry of this one.
Have a good weekend people 😀💖❤️

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A sketchbook page of dancing cranes.
Happy colours and shiny paints make me very happy indeed 😀💖❤️


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Longing For Freedom - Turn me to mist and float among colorful clouds (彩雲飛)

Excerpted from a poem (宮中行樂詞) by Li Bai (李白), the famous poet in Tang Dynasty.
Calligraphy done in semi-cursive script

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