OK finally was free enuf to draw my debut mate
Ain't she adorbs!!!

I'll put the base refrance and Cerby refrance down below =3

1 5

Persona Refrance🐺💚

3 12

This is what the refrance

0 16

for refrance this is all from 2018-2020 ( estimated timeline 🧍 )

0 3

day 20: Cartoon/Anime Cosplay

Thought I would refrance the one show I must watch every october.

5 8

i got asked just now if i can draw men becuase i never draw them. YES i can draw men. usually they r femanine boys tho but i can draw avrage men too. here are some men including femanine boys. my prefrance is just femanine characters.

0 2

Sus, but okie
My persona✨
This is the best I have to a refrance of me ;w;

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this is what the refrance

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