ONE CUT OF THE DEAD (Japan) is not for those who tend to judge how good or bad a horror movie is only by watching the first 15 minutes.

Nominated for 8 Japanese Academy Awards including Best Picture, be patient and wait till the brilliant third act. Thank me later

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Dah boleh stop review pasal The Platform. Tengok ni lagi power. The Occupant, semestinya di Netflix. Plot twist sesikit la tapi best. Macam Parasite tapi ni dia sapu kaw2. Best weh! Tengok then review sekali!

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Movies for the weekend. Oscar nominees and winner.

The 1993 movie adaptation of Little Women was depressing (didn’t read the novel prior to that). So now I think I’m more prepared for Greta Gerwig’s 2019 adaptation.

Oh, and Happy Valentine’s Day❤️

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EJEN ALI: THE MOVIE. Very impressive. It looks like a kid’s movie but if you take away the main characters, the theme is actually adult’s.

If this is where our animation industry is heading, I’m confident we’ll be SEA’s animation hub in a matter of years

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Movies for the weekend. All horror-thriller

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That remarkable feeling you deserve after watching one of the best animated Batman movie. Its just incredible! Action, Romance, Mystery blend in together for another epic adventure. Highly recommended especially if you are a fan of Batman!

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MIRAI (Japan). Many can relate to this magical Oscar and Golden Globe nominee for Best Animated Film. It is a heartwarming and touching tale of sibling rivalry and how a shift in perspective would enable you to see life in a different way.

A must for anime lovers

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My four favorite movies about revenge that made me cheer, mindblown and shocked all the same. Would’ve included the remake of I Spit On Your Grave as well but Twitter only allows 4 image files per tweet.

Kill Bill? It’s Snow White compared to these

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Vidya seorg wanita mengandung yang mencari suami dia sejak lost contact 2 minggu lalu. Misteri bermula apabila segala bukti mengatakan yg suaminya tak pernah wujud.

F*ckin brilliant, captivating & unpredictable! On Netflix now.

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What Happened to Monday 7.5/10. Movie berkisahkan ttg this country yg buat policy 1 family 1 anak. If terlebih anak, kena safe anak tu kt tempat lain. 😏 so ada 1 fmily ni ada 7 anak, each 1 of them kena keluar rumah ikut hari, kalau tk kena tangkap. BEST!

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