画質 高画質

Day 753: I only meant to work the sole of the foot, but I got absorbed in adding some details elsewhere. I think this one will be finished up on Friday/Saturday. It feels like the real challenge was colors and shadows, and now I'm enjoying myself a lot more with the rendering🙂

14 206

Day 750: Did a bunch of tweaking to Flare, the old pose just wasn't doing it for me. This feels more natural and in-line with the pose reference. Now it's brain power time though, figuring out how all the lighting and rendering should be split up 😵‍💫

10 125

more rendering warm up before i move onto comms
more bg3 doods

4 18

I actually love this kinda messy rendering, but this kind of style does not always work in any situation (at least with my current skill😅) https://t.co/GYGBeJUSzq

51 291

Artist yang tim malas rendering tapi tetep pengen bikin art! ☝🏻 Kenalin OC cina bucinan sender aaahhg😔❤️

0 72

Day 743: Getting my reps in before fes stages start. 1 minute figures/feet and some hand rendering practice. I'm trying to study from Aoin's art, though it seems like they probably studied from old masters. Maybe it'd be better to do that and build my own understanding of it.

3 28

Numpang setor wip art! Part favorit sender, rendering hueheheh🦐

0 12

Day 739: Some slower practice + rendering today. Low resolution Nemuri my beloved.
i WOULD keep drawing more but now my left wrist is sore from using keyboard shortcuts all day long. There's just no winning, is there 😔

5 65

Rendering (~‾⌣‾)~

10 238

Before rendering ➡️ After rendering

36 223

<- Before rendering / After rendering->

82 832

rendering hard, not yet done, driving me insane, but here are my favorite parts hahaha

13 217

Testing new way of rendering

787 5635

I like using 3d models as a base for BGs. You can add the rendering and colors manually after setting the angle and composition.

Might make a tutorial if people are interested.

0 13

before rendering ➡️ after rendering

5 65

I remember drawing this back on June 2021 and it being my favourite picture I'd done in ages 🥰 it's still pretty cute tho the rendering isn't all that good on the clothing

0 26

🎶 OnE MaRgEritA🎶 she gonna give you some hea….

I’ll finish rendering it some other time, for now it’s in the PK 415 - 9585 spot. Seems like painting her clothes more translucent is gonna be her trope idk. Marge Simpson

83 863

before and after rendering

214 1943

Before rendering ➡️ After rendering

4685 38230