The Flash Vol 5 Issue 27
- Reverse Flash 2 part 3

After beating Thawne again, Iris finishes it with a blast from a Blackhole Gun. Still, winner is the Flash.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
-The Reverse Flash Part 4
After a long tense fight, The Flash (and a little interference from his Dad Henry) won.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
-The Reverse Flash Part 2
The fight continues with Barry’s Dad being involved for a little bit.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
-The Reverse Flash Part 1
The Flash fights against the second New 52 Reverse Flash, Eobard Thawne who has a different origin.

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The Flash (2011) Vol 4 Annual 4 part 3
- Confirmation of training for centuries, just to defeat the Flash. Yet, Selkirk still tells them not to underestimate Barry.

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The Flash (2011) Vol 4 Annual 4 part 2
- The Acolytes of Zoom trained together for the purpose of defeating the Flash.

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The Flash Vol 5 Issue 22
- Reverse Flash 2 (part 9)
Even before Barry and Thawne's fight in Issue 27, Thawne knew of his Pre and Post Crisis lifetimes, which makes everything else listed prior even further supported to his canon and combat feats.#ReverseFlash

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The Flash Vol 2 Issue 77
- The Reverse Flash 2 (part 7) part 3

Thawne defeats these three veterans Speedsters, with effort, but still won.

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The Flash Vol 2 Issue 77
- The Reverse Flash 2 (part 7) part 1
Fought against Jay Garrick, Johnny Quick and Max Mercury all at once.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
- The Reverse Flash 2 (part 6)
Also recall to these previous feats of Thawne have a dozen lifetimes of living, training (The Flash Vol 4 Annual 4), fighting, and killing people which still scale to him.

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The Flash Rebirth Vol 1 Issue 5
- The Reverse Flash 2 (part 5)
Eobard vs 4 Flashes and Max Mercury all at once.

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The Flash Rebirth Vol 1 Issue 5
This makes Thawne a living paradox and has all of his feats.
- The Reverse Flash 2 (part 4)

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The Flash Vol 5 Issue 25
- The Reverse Flash 2 (part 2)

Both Flash and Reverse Flash know of Eobard’s history.

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The Flash Vol 5 Issue 27
- Reverse Flash 2 part 3

After beating Thawne again, Iris finishes it with a blast from a Blackhole Gun. Still, winner is the Flash.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
-The Reverse Flash Part 4
After a long tense fight, The Flash (and a little interference from his Dad Henry) won.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
-The Reverse Flash Part 2
The fight continues with Barry’s Dad being involved for a little bit.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
-The Reverse Flash Part 1
The Flash fights against the second New 52 Reverse Flash, Eobard Thawne who has a different origin.

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I really hope when we finally see DCEU Flash and Reverse Flash together, whoever they cast, is at least half as good as Flash and Reverse Flash in the Arrowverse.

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