the day i see a rheumatologist and get more blood work done for whatever chronic illness they ' re checking for is the same day i have my retreat . that retreat literally decides if i graduate . but i also got lucky that both my appointments were on the same day
i hate this .

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Our April issue is live! Including Systemic erythematosus, outcomes in plus much more! Follow

20 52

hello, im bella! my comms are closed rn but i love drawing animals and furries!
i’ve been recovering from a hand injury for over a year now, possibly rheumatoid arthritis, so art has been slow. but i’m learning to live with it and work with it!

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신기하게 생긴 식물들이야 많지만, Rheum nobile라는 이 식물도 만만치 않은 것 같다...히말라야 고산지대에 사는 이 식물은 최대 2미터까지 자라는데, 씨를 품은 열매를 잎들이 감싸서 일종의 온실을 만들고 있어서 주변 온도보다 안쪽이 10도나 높게 유지되고 있다고...

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I have chron's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and I was recently diagnosed with lupus ,and do to that this year I had to rush to the hospital and after 3 moths and 20+ surgeries I ended up with an ileostomy. If any of you is struggling with something similar, pls feel free to dm

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I can't help but feel, that he's posing like that... because he's too old to party and may have hurt his hip in the process, so now he's trying to keep a straight face, hoping no one will notice his bad hip or rheumatism... Idk what you Boomers call it.... 😂😂😂 You're welcome.

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// I know what pain is. Physically, since i have rheumatic symptoms since being a child and often need painkillers, and also mental. Seeing a lot of you having a hard time here at the moment: you are not alone. Feel hugged. You all matter. Don't let others bring you down.

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'Rough Sea.' (1917) Bouts of rheumatic fever and shell-shock shortened Christopher Nevinson's time at the Front in WW1. A reviewer heralded Nevinson as the first British artist to give 'really profound and pictorial expression to the emotions aroused by war.'

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Aight opening this commission. Still 38$ atm.
Gotta pay my hospital medicine bills and rheumatology treatment again...
Limited only for 2-3 slots this time sorry. I would appreciate if you share this around as well. 🌺

40 106

Bharadvajasana: The asana is dedicated to the sage Bharadvāja. It is a seated spinal twist. It works on the dorsal and lumbar spine and improves blood circulation. It also relieves gout in the knees and helps in the treatment of cervical spondylosis, arthritis,and rheumatism.

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The appointment i just had lasted 10mn and
>2 new meds
>3 exams to do
>I have to see a rheumatologist

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Hello!! i am opening my commissions back up to help pay for my therapy appointments as well as my rheumatoid arthritis appointments and medication! shares are appreciated!

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Here is ‘conversation’ by Pierre-Auguste Renoir. In the 1890’s, Renoir developed severe rheumatism. He strapped his paintbrushes to his wrist and kept working until his death in 1919.
Try creating your own Renoir painting with our sponge activity

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I see my rheumatologist soon. He told me horror stories about too much caffeine. I drew him my fantasy of coffee falling from the sky.


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