"Someone in Springfield needs my help. Light up the after-bras!"

2022 Day 23: Season 21 - 25 Episode

This exact scene did not occur in the episode, but I cannot be bothered to rewatch "Lisa Goes Gaga."

See the whole prompt list here: https://t.co/shOLoy7XW5

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"Chief Wiggum. Don't eat the clues."

2022 Day 22: First Episode to Air After You Were Born

When I was born, America had 1 question on its mind; "Who Shot Mr. Burns?"

See the whole prompt list here: https://t.co/shOLoxQUU5

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Dia 21 - Mascota
La mosca mascota 🪰💫

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17 y 18.- Conejo Blanco

Un poquito de trampa jsjsjs ;b

El proceso de crear a Conejo fue "Artesanal"
Nada debía quedar mal con este proyecto, en lo técnico y el diseño

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*suck suck*

2022 Day 21: Maggie costume

Maggie's little starfish snowsuit is so CUTE!

See the whole prompt list here: https://t.co/shOLoxQUU5

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I realized I totally forgot to post here this one the other day 😱
Day 19 : Fantastic and focused

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"No Father's Day Eve? Does this mean there's no such thing as Daddy Claus?"

2022 Day 19: Season 16-20

In See Homer Run, Homer becomes the Safety Salamander to be role model for Lisa & eventually run for mayor.

See the whole prompt list here: https://t.co/shOLoy7XW5

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Dia: 16 vampiro
si ese es el tema entonces Luna de parodia a Alucard y Lomito como Baskerville de Hellsing no podia faltar
Day: 16 vampire
if this is the theme then Luna in a parody of Alucard and Lomito as Baskerville from Hellsing couldn't be missing

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16.-Bad Boy
Phobos... todo lo reprimido que alguna vez tuvo Bill, no es mas que un fragmento de su ser

Esa es su principal desventaja, solo una sobra negativa pero que pasaría si la sombra adquiriera un cuerpo??

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Dia 16 - Vampira
Himea con la taza que le regalo lunita 🦇💙

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