Only 12% describe people in as 35% describe them as frail - 😳☹️#ThePerennials
But we are mostly a happy, vital bunch.
Work to be done by - and all of us - to correct these inaccurate & negative perceptions

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Happy 👩🏼‍💻👩🏿‍🔬👩🏻‍🔧👩🏽‍⚕️👩🏾‍🏫 Today we reflect on the progress we've made + still have to make in the quest for gender equality. 💎 Join the Movement + help 👉

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Hey comics twitter! Let's draw our fave childhood comics characters!
My childhood rolemodels were apparently all little girls in shift dresses. Monica, Magali, Mafalda, & Little Lulu (what is up with the L name Lulu???) thanks for teaching me not to put up with anybody's crap.

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We absolutely love the latest addition to the family, Little Miss Inventor 🔬✏️🔧 It's wonderful to see representation of women and girls in in such a popular and loved series of books 😊

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The purpose of is to celebrate achievements of those who give nothing but their best, and leave a legacy of for the next generation.
Do you know someone who deserves to be recognised?

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