A mother f*ck and his baby f*cklings (inspired by that post)

13 48

Based on the Padoru Morris by Cookie on the Sdorica discord

because it was too cute and I couldn't resist ;w;

5 20

Happy birthday Corris.

1 9

Happy [belated] Birthday, Morris Dietrich.

From death comes life.

11 27

Still dead tired.

Please support Tarri's Day at https://t.co/ozeQIKJyw5 because my character kinda did die lol.
Also my computer is dying for real. D:

2 10

They of the Battle Dab

I just noticed that Tindoiimu's battle pose looked awfully familiar wwww

16 58

oh! Now that has got her TeamHarrisDeck, I can post the cards I hadn't previously posted

Murdercat as Jack!

5 43

A young Morris concept.

I find it a very compelling possibility that Morris was from the Atlas culture of mannequin-makers given his... abilities, on more than one front.

4 28

Many Mayday traditions have their roots in Celtic celebrations for - the true start of Summer - symbolised by the battle for dominance between the Holly Green Man (Winter) & the Oak Green Man (Summer) - hence &

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Kolya and Temny, two of my friends goblin OCs whom I stan 🙏

3 1

(1/2) Hwan: Ok so since grounding you two never works, I’m grounding the worm.
Vi: WHaT
Piers: You’re such a sick bastard, captain.

1 2

And that's the story of the first Easter. :3

Support the comic for as little as $1 a month!
Just go to https://t.co/TlJqGp5Ml5 and help keep stuff like this coming!!

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Portraits I drew for my players~

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One of the first drawings I made of my hunky dude.

5 12

as Queen of Spades, with the license to slay ♠️♠️♠️

5 34

And I think to myself... what a bunderful world

Support the comic for as little as $1 a month!
Just go to https://t.co/ozeQIKJyw5 and help keep stuff like this coming!!

1 12

King of Spades takes this card shaken, not stirred! ♠️♠️♠️

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