5th day: Animal. You know I ofcourse had to pick the new upcoming baby corbicula, Slowly getting the hang of this cute stylee ^~^ hope you peeps are enjoying them

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4th day: Shield. Found something I can handle.....perhaps?

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Day 14: NPC
And you've been GNOMED!

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More art, including a sweet noodle dragon from OSRS I just found out about and I'm in love???

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So these are my first 3 which one is your favourite so far?

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Some of last week’s Sketchtober 10 minute sketches 👀 I’m really behind but I don’t wanna force it either 🤷🏼‍♀️

Prompts: Shield, Noob, Cape and Skill

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2nd piece: Cape. Imagine having 120 range and being scared of most bosses

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Finally getting into heres the first one for Noob
Decided to practice my weaknesses, cuteness and lineart
F in the chat if you've done this too

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Day 12 & 13: Melee and Weapon.
Decided to combine the two days since I had a mighty need to draw a Nox scythe

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2 more pics for About time I get to draw a fluffy bunny

Next pic will be posted separately soon because it turned out really nicely 👀

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Day 11: Dragon
One day, You will be mine Queen Black Dragonling!

1 14

Catching up to I'll be posting these in batches of 4 so I don't spam up the blog 💚

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day 2-5
cape, skill, shield, and animal

now that my art account is unrestricted again i can finally post these !!!

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Day 5: Animal. How could I say no to baby Chinchompas?

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Day 3: Skill
Also end up going AFK doing the agility serenity posts and come back to my character doing the wrong pose, So I thought I'd have some fun with this day's theme

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'I should have paid more attention to the tutorial'
I thought I'd take part in my first Inktober and whats better than to have it revolve around RS 😍

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