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RSJ Cover Illustration "Physicality System Science"「身体性システム科学」
(2017 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "ROS〜Robot Operating System"「ROS〜ロボット・オペレーティング・システム」
(2017 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "AI and Robotics"「人工知能とロボティクス」
(2017 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "New Development of Robot Manupilation"「ロボットマニュピレーションの新展開」
(2017 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "Practical Application of Robot Technology"「ロボット技術の実用化」
(2016 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "Robots for Next-Generation Infrastructure 2"「次世代インフラ用ロボット2」
(2016 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "Community Centric"「コミュニティセントリック」
(2016 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "Front Line of Flying Robots Research"「飛行ロボット研究の最前線I」
(2016 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "Future Vision by Next-generation Actuator"「次世代アクチュエータが描く未来像」
(2015 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "Human Interface Design for Huge Machines"「大型機械のためのヒューマンインタフェースデザイン」
(2015 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "Robots for Manufacturer"「製造業向けロボット」
(2015 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "Application of Data Science Research for Robotics"「データサイエンス研究のロボティクス応用へ向けて」
(2015 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "Life Form Mimicked Moving Robots in Water Area"「水圏における生物模倣型移動ロボット」
(2015 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "Human Modeling and Enhancement"「ヒューマンモデリング&エンハンスメント」
(2014 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "Application Development of High-Speed Vision"「高速ビジョンの応用展開」
(2014 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "Robot technology that goes into human mind and daily life"「懐に入りこむロボット技術」
(2014 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "AcademicPapersIssue"「学術論文特集31」
(2014 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "Intelligent Home Appliance"「知能化する家電」
(2014 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign
RSJ Cover Illustration "Agency and Interaction for Robots"「ロボットのエージェンシーとインタラクション」
(2013 RSJ)
#ROBOT #RobotDesign