Screenshot of the very first textured level I made, which was rubbish. Kotaku picked up on these screenshots in particular which put MM8BDM in orbit and attracted so much help. Also check out that side pain frame! Glad we didn't end up using those (100+ skins btw).

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Жеска начинаю вести твиттер, надоело, надо привыкать к этой дресне. Пока людей нет, можно и поэксперементировать с постами и тд.😂

I’m starting to tweet hard, I’m tired, I need to get used to this rubbish. While there are no people, you can experiment with posts, etc.😂

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if we 🥺👉👈 could kiss 💋 and just cut ✂️ the rubbish.... 🗑️then i 👁️might be 🐝on to something 👀#wip

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Does this box make my butt look big? While a hermit crab trying on a cardboard box is funny, it's less funny when it's plastic rubbish.

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It took me three months of confidence shattering uncertainty to finish this. It was my first large digital artwork and I didn't add the major darker values till the end so I felt like I was doing totally mucky rubbish...😭 For three months.

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The more I learn about Hokusai the more I like him. He said that any artwork he made before the age of 70 was rubbish. ✊

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Baby trubbish.

Bagsshy, a pure normal type.

They know where your grocery list is.
They will eat it.

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I’m just going to get pissed now, so I’m saying happy new year to everyone now and that’ll count for later. 2021 was good in many ways and shitty in so many others. The pandemic, the planet, politics and my family were all rubbish. But there was a lot to be happy about too. Xxx

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All my drawings from the other day have looked like rubbish. So, I revisited an old character of mine as a pick-me-up.

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Patreon Doodle 1/3

"Trash Can" but I misread it as Trash bag so I ended up drawing Trubbish.

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🍩Honestly not a Robot! Updated!🍩

Damian's certainly carrying a lot of rubbish...
and some brewing thoughts about his job performance.

You can also read on Tapas and WT

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Of course 90% of them are rubbish.
So far only designed one somewhat confirmed design which can feasibly exist in the real world and run.

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This geezer is simultaneously underrated and rubbish. Show them and their leafy impractical wings some love.

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That’s rubbish. You don’t need to show your face to be an author! I don’t show mine and I know a number of people who don’t.

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Just added some more insanity to my gallery

Doodling Procreate is about the only thing I can do when feeling particularly rubbish.

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Couldn't resist doing a little doodle comic of G!Fresh Nate. I'll draw a nicer picture some other time but for now you get this rubbish.

Also Sun you should really know just because you're good friends with one parasite, doesn't mean they all have good intentions.

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Oohwee!, another long day. Starting with Bernards MOT, she got an advisory for 'arthritis' so that was a bit rubbish.

Then spent much of the rest of the day admin'in

And now, I've just finished building and testing a bunch of stuff you'll see on youtubes soonish.

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and I in our Pokémon contest looks with our prized Bidoof and Trubbish.

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Trubbish. He would adore it and raise it GOOD and he would be the proud owner of Trash Mountain ™

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