Baciare la fronte-è cancellare la noia
Io bacio la fronte
Baciare gli occhi-è distruggere l’insonnia
Io bacio gli occhi
Baciare le labbra-è dare da bere
Io bacio le labbra
Baciare la fronte-è cancellare la memoria
Io bacio la fronte
Marina Cvetaeva
Philippe Breton

9 16

Name: Halloween
(Freddy Crugger) Shizen by
(Gizmo) Akubon by
(Gost Face) Poison by
(Jeison) F by
Picture for:
thanks for looking for me ♥♥♥

4 18

A Rogue Creamlands Rugger Has Been Creaming On Our Graves👀

PLEASE Capture the Creamer

Fill This Form/Create Wallet If You Dare:

Follow To Win:

😱Share and Tag Friends🪦

Join Hederaween

187 234

Love to see the timeline flooded with scammers upset for the royalties thing. Funny. Bought these 2 horrendous figures, payed full royalties, just so the ruggers stay happy. We fight for the knights ⚔️🦅

26 39

[ ]

Why is she wearing a Freddy Krugger and Chucky style

7 21

I'm so excited for the upcoming 1/1s! This would fight RIGHT in with my existing Star Wars based 1/1s

Darth Rugger: Use the dark side of the force to overrule the top 5 vote AND final sweep vote! (Once per year)

you know I need him... :D

26 31

Some call your favorite rugger’s favorite rugger

6 25

Melissa Krugger, the tennis player who have never lost a match, she's changing her tennis tan pattern to a normal tan one.

1 4

2 last sold on the secondary market:
sold for 0.03 eth from CryptoV8 to dinorugger
sold for 0.04 eth from 0xe5dfb... to 0x6Ed45...

Royalties goes to 🔥

2 9

In occasion of “Cinzia says…”, the first retrospective of Cinzia Ruggeri at before & now at Elena Fava introduces us to the eerie & kaleidoscopic world of the designer with two guest posts & rare archive material - here the 1st

1 6

Alla fine, desidero solo
le cose che mi distruggeranno.

- Sylvia Plath -

16 26

"È perché non sono credulo che voglio vedere l'annientamento e la rinascita della rosa."
"Sei credulo rispose Paracelso cn la rosa in mano."
"Tu credi che io sia capace di distruggerla?"
"Nssn è incapace di distruggerla" rispose il discepolo

1 2

We were all having fun, ready for this degen play... then all the sudden the bad ruggers... stole our FOUNDING FATHERS twitter and discord login... and locked us all out... Now all 200+ something of us, are just waiting... 😂🫶 I'm kinda sad, but I'm kinda happy I got a princess.

0 0

Dio ha creato la terra e, l'uomo, ci ha messo del suo per distruggerlo, con le sue leggi. ..hanno messo le taccole "lotta biologica" per mangiare le uova dei piccioni e, hanno mangiato quelli degli uccellini, cosi non si sentono piu a chiacchierare e, i piccioni se la ridono. 😳

24 70

All these MFs on here leeching after young projects, these ruggers and all these other terrible shits in this space. If you are tired of the bullshit come join a real MF project in this bear market and enjoy the ride with us.

6 13

Putting together my latest 1/1 artist recap below, please check out some of my recent purchases from and shoutout to the best rugger 🧵⬇️

6 25

I'm going to give away a

To enter:
1. Send a donation of any amount >= $5 to zachxbt.eth
He's doing killer work tracking down serial ruggers in this space and we should support that
Link the transaction ID in the commens
2. Follow & RT
That's it!

281 462

The Lovers' Almanac 9 August - mistakes refrain, verse by mac tag - verse by John Dryden - Death of Ruggero Leoncavallo - birth of Betty Boop

0 1