$Sani has community and utility! A lot of things in the works also! Get a bag now at a 4mil mc or get a bag at 400m. https://t.co/WG8CWGDWKO
$Sani $Sanin

0 0

$Sani can be that big play! I really believe they can 1000x if they drop all of the utility they say. They are definitely putting in work! Let’s go!!! https://t.co/WG8CWGDWKO
$Sani $Sanin

2 3

Thats easy, $Sani will be the one! Great community, staking through Sanifarm, and alot of utility in the works. All you have to do is buy and hodl! We are early!

2 5

For me, community isn’t everything. I need to see utility being created. $Sani is creating utility. They already have Sanifarm, their staking platform. NFTs, games, and payment utility is in the works. Now this is a project I can stand behind. https://t.co/vlnjzWCNDA

7 18

$sani has the SANIFARM right now and soon will be unveiling an entire decentralized ecosystem that will become the home to the web3 space.

Take 5 minutes to research and thank me later.


Oh, it's also 0 taxes and renounced 😎

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