Finished!! 🌪️⚔️
-Swordmaster Magician - Fanart Brawl

Flavor text: Better sword in hand than a hundred flying... in a classroom...and out of control...

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We've rounded up a bunch of Standard Legend decks from Week 9 of Scholomance Academy - both meta and off-meta choices! If you're looking for a deck to climb the ladder with, you should definitely check them out:

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Finally I finished some commissions I had, I can't show it for now but Hey!! I'm back with the new sketches of the last challenge of FanArt Brawl "Festival" base on Scholomance Academy

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Mindrender Illucia is one of the most skill-testing cards from Scholomance. She can win you the game, but mistiming her can also lead to a quick defeat. That's why we've put up a general guide of when it's worth to play her. Check it out here:

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CRUISED to Legend with this Polkelt Galakrond Rogue deck with 82% WR (9-2) and slid in at rank 784! Very fitting that we had to beat our very own Libroom Paladin deck for the final boss! Polkelt into Gal/Kronx/Tog is the absolute nuts btw

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We've rounded up a bunch of Standard Legend decks from Week 5 of Scholomance Academy - both meta and off-meta choices! If you're looking for a deck to climb the ladder with, you should definitely check them out:

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Scholomance Academy's expansion is deeply based in Warcraft's lore, but - just like always - with its own, Hearthstone twist. looks at the expansion & Legendaries, comparing them to their original lore versions. Check it out here:

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We've rounded up a bunch of Standard Legend decks from Week 4 of Scholomance Academy - both meta and off-meta choices! If you're looking for a deck to climb the ladder with, you should definitely check them out:

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Back in March, Blizzard started giving out free decks for new & returning players (120+ days of inactivity). But which ones work best in Scholomance Academy? tries to answer that question and offers some potential upgrade paths here:

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Our final budget guide for Scholomance Academy - Pirate Warrior - is now out! Warrior has a lot of options in this expansion, but the good old face-rushing Pirates still work best if you don't have tons of Dust. Check it out here:

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Our second to last budget deck is Zoo Warlock, which got quite a lot of support in Scholomance. Budget build is decent, but you really want to spend some Dust on a few more Epics to make it truly competitive. Check it out here:

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[#Hearthstone] Nueva galería con 160 ilustraciones de la expansión «Academia Scholomance»


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Next budget deck for Scholomance Academy is Tempo Priest. Sadly, it doesn't work as well as some players have expected. Still, it's your only choice to play the class for cheap. Learn more about it here:

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Next budget deck in line is Pure Paladin. While it's difficult to build on budget, it's still okay in low ranks and it has an amazing upgrade path - full version is one of the best meta decks. Check it out here:

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While Priest is the most hated class (ever?), it's doing quite well in Scholomance Academy. Highlander Priest in particular is really strong right now. Check out our guide for the deck (including mulligan, strategy & card replacements) by :

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Between much better draw, more reach and solid tempo plays, Aggro Rogue got a huge boost in Scholomance Academy and became one of the better decks in the meta. Check out our guide (mulligan, strategy, replacements) for the deck by :

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Our third budget Scholomance Academy deck is out, and it's pretty strong. Tour Guide and a few other cards have improved Secret Face Hunter build heavily, and it's very easy to build on budget. More budget decks coming soon! Check it out here:

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Our second budget deck for Academy is Aggro Token Druid, with a potential of insane Gibberling board floods and Voracious Reader refills! More budget decks coming soon! Check it out here:

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Diamond 5, 0 stars to Legend with Big Shaman. 30-14 (68%) win rate. Thank you for giving Shaman Innervate.

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