shinobi scroom shinobi scroom

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Scrooms winning, no exception.

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IGXAVIOR, one of the founding scroomen, and the one that took the lead in colonizing PLANET SCREMP. he frequently gets in fights with the other founders over who gets control of land. currently goes by the name XAVIER and serves as vice president of BRIBBLECO.

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BRIBULUS, one of the founding scroomen. he disguises himself among the population and tries to keep balance among them and the rest of the founders. currently goes by the title MR. BRIBBLE and runs the BRIBBLECO company(or tries to)

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scroom dropping some hot lore bombs in an alleyway. this is why we need nicer ultras

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the first SCROOMEN were god-like beings that colonized the scrook planet(they call it SCREMP), and absorbing 97% of all life in the process.
no one has ever seen a scrook since they arrived, and other aliens are jealous of their immense power.

...happy halloween!

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