Day 24 of


Redraw of my very first full body painting not drawn with MS Paint

Technically no mermaid but based on marine life forms


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Mermay Day 22&23: Shipwreck and Treasure Chest
The mermaid has found another treasure hoard in a shipwreck

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MerMay Day 23: Treasure Chest

Prompt list by and .

1 1

Wie weit ich mit den Vorbereitungen im gediegen bin, erfahrt ihr im

Ebenso ein kleiner Ausblick auf die kommende Woche und die Meerjungfrauen der vergangenen


1 3

Revisiting another old Mermay concept

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MerMay Day 21: Amber

Prompt list by and .

1 3

Revisited an old concept from last year

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Mermay day 9: lost treasure
I'm really behind now, but I'm not pushing myself too much. I didn't expect to be so tired all the time during pregnancy, but I still want to finish all the drawings I've planned for mermay

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MerMay Day 19: Melody

Prompt list by and .

1 3

Day 19 of


A reference to (and fanart of) the Netflix show showing the main character Elodie playing the song she wrote in memory of her dead mother


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MerMay Day 18: Scepter

Prompt list by and .

1 3

POV: you entered the kingdom of the seal princess🦭👑

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Day 18 of


Another setup I planned to make future work easier:

Nema, not only being curious but also being fascinated by shiny things.


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