Sketch commissions for ;;
Flanna is probably my favourite tbh. AH! Thank you for commissioning me!!

6 14

A more painterly throwback today :D This one is Sebastian Castellanos from The Evil Within, which is one of my favourite games! It got me back into gaming a few years ago and I owe it a DEBT

1 15

Like this? (He passed out from too much good stuff. He's fine. Those eggs will come out on their own, I'm sure)

0 1

Sebastian Castellanos as the Emperor Tarot ♥

12 26

Hair swap, как говорится.
Вообще, это первый мой рисунок, на котором я играюсь со светом, так что не судите строго :з

Не знаю, принято ли в твиттере ставить теги на постах с артами, но я попробую хдд

1 6

Day 6
Concept, lines: Me
Colors, final render:

A familiar face.

10 50

The Evil Within doggos bc y the heck not- I loved that game dbhkjd the second one gave me FEELS-

1 5

Happy birthday to Sebastian Castellanos!!

3 10