I just got to know today its your birthday hours ago!set to draw this as a gift 💖Hope you like it!Happy birthday yuseirra sensei💓💓
Thank you for your sweet and healing NE arts!Hope you have evey day happy and wonderful💖

19 52

"Hi there, my name is seirra! Say would like a hit from my bong?"

💨Not new to twitter

💨Is a stoner

💨Loves a good fuck

💨Can be as detailed as you

💨can this stoner babe get a like and retweet ❤🔄

"W-what you've never smoked nude before?"

45 83

hi evryone thoguht id show off my main 'sona Seirra Phantom Tempest here on twitter

hows she look evryone?

1 9

마비노기 듀얼 일러스트 - 뱀파이어 영웅:세이라
マビノギデュエル - 吸血鬼の英雄:セイラ
Mabinogi Duel - Vampire Hero:Seirra
Illustrated by NESSI

3 14

"can i have a sprite?"

"seirra mist ok?"

7 41