Type 9s, you might feel like loss overtakes your very selfhood. You can merge with grief and how others are grieving in a way that diminishes you. Yet, your wisdom-filled body has a wealth of information about how YOU need to feel. 1/2

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y'know im curious . based on my highest kins (these are above selfhood and are very important to me!! in order too) ... what do you think of me

(in order it's Link (TLOZ), Lillie (Pokemon), Charlotte (HC) and Aether (Genshin),, yes Link & Lillie are my highest kins)

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Pre-Game Korekiyo was a Gundham kinnie! (selfhood level).

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I always loved John Waterhouse for loving the Bard’s smart, female characters: Miranda, Ophelia, Cleopatra, & Juliet. He didn’t drown them in Elizabethan fashion either, but painted them in a Victorian alchemy of bohemian beauty, & assured selfhood. ☺️❤️

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Hod from Library of Ruina!! She's a selfhood cuz. help

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And the other above selfhood!!

Link!! Which version you may ask? Well,, almost every version of him :D Mainly BOTW, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Toon Link, Ocarina of time, etc though!

He's one of my first kins ever and he's. v important to me,,

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Ok starting off,, I have 2 kins that are. somehow higher than Selfhood and uh.. here's one of them!

Charlotte Wiltshire!! Specifically EP1 & EP2,, I dont even know what to say just .points why are you just like me

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Happy !!!
Did u know I hc every selfhood kin of mine to be non-binary n lesbian? It’s bc I am!! I’m non-binary n lesbian!

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CUTTING IT REALLY CLOSE BUT I WANTED TO DRAW SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE MIWA'S BIRTHDAY!!! I love her so much she's my first selfhood kin and she brings me great joy :,D

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Guess I should say something.

I'm a trans youtuber/artist/composer that's been working independently for a few years now. Though I don't address my gender much, I regularly make abstract art to express my feelings on selfhood and stuff. Hope you're having a swell day! 😊

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new selfhood kin just dropped

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i luv seeing ppls most contrasting kins ,, Give Me Them Now

( HERES MINE ‼️ my only selfhoods weird enough )

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Today we launch new book Discovering Dementia aimed at people with recent diagnosis. A type of visual poetry with words from people with dementia & illustrations by in collab. w Claire Craig & poet John Killick

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“This terribly powerful wizard became so absorbed in dark magic, they were voided of their selfhood. Now, this godly mage speaks & thinks only with the personality & voice of those speaking with them”

Can we put them in front of a MILF? Let’s fill the empty void with MILF.

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me and oomfie were discussing shtuff and nya mentioned rin would give a fall guy a matching ribbon...nya selfhoods rin so i made dis :]

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if you asked me to sum up my preferred expression of gender or selfhood I'd probably have to go with 'cute brute'

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