Dungeons of Kairn, a was released in April 1989. Pictures by CRPGAddict.

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Someone more attentive than me spotted this game on one of the shovelware CDs, sonow you can either...
Check out the shareware version of the game right in your browser: https://t.co/NTtYabY8x7
Download its installation files: https://t.co/U440iTfAci

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My spritework always comes out looking like a 90s shareware game

1 10

My boy Jazz Jackrabbit could always use some love. He's from a shareware 2D platformer back in the 90s with one of the most badass soundtracks ever to touch a videogame, I think he'd look great in your style!

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When i was still in school I thought of myself as playing the shareware version of life. I wasn't sure if i'd keep playing when i had to pay, but I have for 6 years. But the cost is low so far, if there's a price hike then i might reconsider, don't wanna play if it's not worth it

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jazz jackrabbit is a character from an old sorta platformer game that epic made/published back when shareware was a thing.

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Mighty Aphid is now on !

It’s a fun mashup of classic shareware and console games. 🤩


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Battletanks, Scarab of Ra, Bert, Dark Castle, Tetris. Macintosh shareware games c.1990-1996 represent. https://t.co/cZXBD1DXpK

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Wrecked: A Psychedelic Adventure - Shareware Version (In-browser, DOS, Rebel City Software, 1993) https://t.co/3mQc6LBlDo
The anti-drug platformer.
Controls: Q,A,O,P,S & Space.
1994 magazine review: https://t.co/o5M94ZIUsG
2010 article by : https://t.co/TD126W8Xjb

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Title: Hooked /Art School

RE: Watering down a small pond (This is Water)

This image is Open Source Shareware. Free to remix, chop, screw, steal, and sell for exorbitant prices.

All you need is gas! Tell your friends!


8 21

Another game in the sorta-educational genre, Alive Software's Animal Quest.
Pick one of several animals, and avoid predators and devour prey. This is the shareware version, so you only get the Forest Animals pack, however.


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I don't think many people know about this one. It was just a shareware release to Aminet and his website. But it's mad fun if you can get four players together. We used to do a lot of this one, MineRunner (his LodeRunner clone), Gauntlet 2, and Dynablaster or Master Blaster 2. 😎

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Also, have a scribbled up poster, just getting the idea down.

Bottom up, left to right:
SUDO, Malware, Grid
Root, Defrag, Spider
Casey (OldSUDO), Admin, Loyd

Not pictured:
Shareware (Malware with SUDO's scarf)
Format (OldSUDO with Defrag's knives)

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Dank DOS Shareware games

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Overheat / Doom II / Limit-Removing / 2012 / MAP01 / by "Memfis"

A short, toxic base level that tries to keep a constant pressure on the player using mainly shareware monsters, the sole exception being a late appearance from the wascally wevenant.

3 10

Released 22 years ago today: Jasper's Journeys (PabaGames, 1997) A lovely platformer with smooth animations and fun gameplay. https://t.co/Ht37BPQ3rq

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Is Quake truly deserving of its "everything's brown" reputation, or is that merely the work of hack frauds who clearly didn't make it past the shareware episode? I'll let you decide.

But the answer is hack fraudery.

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WAIT, I think my first PC game my have actually been Battle Bugs. 😬 (I'm just talking full, new, retail games here. Not including a load of shareware & shovelware I think my dad brought home on floppy disks???)

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