ajoliefan.tumblr Venice Film Festival Sept. 10, 2004 World Premiere

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me and some friends made sharktale sonas as a joke but i ended up really liking mine so he is me now (could use help with some names)

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la squadra au where they are characters in sharktale and pesci owns them (yes i did in fact trace the 3d models, i have little respect for this movie)

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Lms if you think sharktale was... kinda hot 👀 🐠 💦

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idk who named SHARKTALES but they doomed this pokemon to a life of uncontrollable Will Smith quips...

5 22

Great coverage of by ! "Sharks Are No Longer a Boys Club, Say Women in Boston This Week" https://t.co/FF5nqKsXeq

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