2hus in the 42nd

Toutetsu, Flandre, & Seija by
Sekibanki, Yuugi, Rumia, & Kogasa by
Youkai Grassroot Network by
Chibi Youmu (top left) by
Youmu & Fairies of Light (bottom right) by me

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Thought I'd share my art on my account this time around lol.
Here's the contributions I made for this month's Be sure to check out the full thing when it's posted later.

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the 2hus group of the 41st
(there's actually some straggler 2hus in the full canvas haha)

from left to right:

left Cirno by tovishi
Seija and Shinmyoumaru by
right Cirno and Koishi by me

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a Kiara and an Aruran drawing I drew in the 39th
Vtuber drawings have become a staple of these Drawpiles now lol

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2hus in the 39th

Top left 2hus by
Tokiko by
Maribel, Renko, and Sekibanki by
Rinnosuke by me
And all the Koishis by tov

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2hus in the 38th

Seija, Shinmyoumaru , and Sekibanki scene by
Koishi by
Gengetsu by
Aunn by me
and the Grassroots Youkai Network trio by
The Osana Reimu scene is by a mysterious benefactor

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Drawpile stuff once again with was not really proud of what I did but still looks good.

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2hus in the 37th

Yuuka, Minoriko, crewmate Kogasa, Sekibanki, and Mayumi by
Yuyuko and Okina by
Shinmyoumaru, Nemuno, and Seija by
Chibi Minoriko by an unknown benefactor
Shizuha by me
and Youmu by

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I've participated the 36th and made these. It was fun drawing 2hus in the theme of Raya Aidilfitri with other fellow artist.

(yes, I drew the familiar looking fish)

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A Malaysia-chan I drew in the 36th

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the newhu I drew in the just now

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an easter art for 35. kinda random. k̶i̶n̶d̶a̶ ̶s̶u̶s̶ ̶n̶g̶l̶.

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