Btw, did you see Siriusmon’s Debut as Gammamon’s Mega level form in Digimon Ghost Game?

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Maybe it's because I consumed so much Gundam content lately but.

Siriusmon in the recent ghost game episode def gives me Gundam Exia vibes!

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SIRIUSMON! A badass Digimon

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Gammamon’s mega is here at last! Meet Siriusmon! His design absolutely slaps!

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Siriusmon gotta be my new favorite Mega level Digimon, thx u Digimon Ghost Game!

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Higher quality image of Siriusmon

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Siriusmon was added to the Reference Book!!

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Siriusmon has been added to the Digimon Reference Book, bringing the total to 1165!

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Fumamon, Ghilliedhumon, Bombermon and Zanmetsumon.

(Expect Regulusmon, Arcturismon, Siriusmon and Proximamon images this week.)

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Mega evolution of the game ghost digimon gammamon. Siriusmon What do you think? do you guys like it?

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The Gammamon ultimate level, this is my personal take of how this digimon could look in the Refference Book art.

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Siriusmon joins the battle! ✨

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With Gammamon's Mega reveed, I'm gonna say it

It's 4:4 of being a favourite evolution line

Also I love how Siriusmon is basically the Gundam Exia

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The BEMEMORY Gammamon Dim is also available for pre-order on Amazon, priced at ¥2,200. It also reveals that the name of Gammamon's Ultimate is Siriusmon (シリウスモン), named after the brightest star in the night sky.

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