-ko Argitalpen Zerbitzuak argitaratu berri du Laida Literatura & Identitatea ikerketa taldeak koordinatutako "Komikiak aztertzeko gida bat" argitalpenaren euskarazko edizioa. Esteka honetan daukazue eskuragarri:

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day 29 of Up next, Skura's outfit from the second OP, this is one of my fave outfits ever, it's so beautiful

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Rivers run through our history & folklore, & link us as a people. They nourish & refresh us & provide a home for dazzling varieties of fish & wildlife & trees & plants of every sort. We are a nation rich in rivers.

🖼️On the River: Christies

8 33

✍️ komikigileak Portugaleteko Komiki Lehiaketaren bigarren saria eskuratu du aurten. Zorionak!

🌐 👉 https://t.co/OVOVKffeBb

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., Bollaín, Iñaki Alforja eta , Javier Corcuera, Iker Elorrieta, Xabier Erkizia, , eta lehiatuko dira Euskal Zinemaren Irizar Saria eskuratzeko Donostia Zinemaldian.

ℹ️ https://t.co/vGQtWH2U82

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[EUS] Aurtengo Portugaleteko komiki lehiaketaren bigarren saria eskuratu det!
[ES] He ganado el segundo premio del concurso de cómic de Portugalete de este año!

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Probando nuevo material con un dibujo de skura kyouko de madoka magica

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Euskarak ateak irekitzeko balio ote du? Denontzat eta eskuragarri al daukagu euskara? Amelia Barquín, Petra Elser, EHko Bilgune Feminista, Emakume Ijitoen Elkartea eta beste hainbaten iritziak jaso ditugu Larrunen. Azal bikaina, -rena.


4 3

Euskarak ateak irekitzeko balio ote du? Denontzat eta eskuragarri al daukagu euskara? Amelia Barquín, Petra Elser, EHko Bilgune Feminista, Emakume Ijitoen Elkartea eta beste hainbaten iritziak jaso ditugu Larrunen. Azal bikaina, -rena.


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Gamo ka daur bhi, aaye to muskuraake jio... Remembering ji on his death anniversary https://t.co/NFv5cKnlFJ

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Residents of the Blood Keep, from Obliskura.

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Obliskura is a land of magical creatures, their flesh and bone twisted and warped by the infernal vibrations of the lands magic.

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The Mountain Outpost. For Obliskura.

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Creautures of the Rubicon Mountains. Lost souls fragmented by the magics of the mountains. For Obliskura.

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Obliskura is a land filled with large creatures, gods and entities, both malevolent and benevolent. Here is a small sampling.

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My genesis series for Obliskura. Three of the most important pieces to the artistic development and flavor of the IP. https://t.co/pI01bdtR5x

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I cannot wait for everyone to get their hands on Obliskura! Already planning out the second volume.

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