yup ended up making a comic fanart art thing for SMBZ (Super Mario Bros Z)

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THIS, PART, KICKED, ASS!!! Scrap Island part 4 is NEXT LEVEL. The battle between Sonic and Mecha, THE SMBZ REFRANCE, and the fact that sonic IS CRYING!! (technically). this mini series was a joy ride and i cant recommend it enough!! well done

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Every SMBZ character on screen:

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SMBZ REFERENCE IN MY SONIC COMIC?? more likely than you think

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I've been reminiscing over SMBZ lately a bunch and now THIS??

he said THE THING??

Daniel if you see this bless you king 👑

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I love Metallix. And of course I couldn't stop myself from doing a subtle Dragon Ball Z reference after rewatching the reanimated episode 2 again.

Hope you all enjoy!

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he's too overpowered as an smbz character cuz he was trained by him

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decided to have a gamble at drawing metallix from smbz

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first: hey, un canal pequeño que habló de SMBZ, una de las series de mi infancia, su avatar parece un Gachatuber ._.

actual: besto contenido, el director del mejor cortometraje chileno- por que chucha esta llevando en este preciso momento un traje de coneja?

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Who here wants a Crush soda from Mecha Sonic for the premiere of Crush Remastered?

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Flaming and ready to rumble.
My first attempt at a new style!

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His super form is not SMBZ.
(Images do not represent the final product)
also check out Extra Slot Mighty and Extra Slot Ray (Ray coming out eventually) by and

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I did draw him quickly when the newest SMBZ episode came out quite few months ago.

Buuut I could probably sketch something better.

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Fire Sonic from SMBZ, (Digital Version).

I am really happy how this turned out. This was a Pure gold moment back in the day and I absolutely love this. I really do want to see more fan creations like this be unleashed and out of this world

SMBZ Fanart

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