Jay Chou‘s J-Style Trip in Netflix is a good show,after watch this,Rabbit and Smile are planning to go travel next year⋯

0 17

The most romantic thing I can think of is growing old with you⋯⋯

13 70

When the earth and heaven are getting old, we’re gazing up at the world on the happy Ferris wheel.

13 76

Rabbit might be happy⋯⋯

to be continued


0 12

Happy Birthday Smile,surprise?

The end

7 48

Do everything with heart⋯⋯

to be continued


5 49

I raise a Hallelujah~~
TiffanyBear is Rabbit's best friend,she has met a traffic accident ten years ago that made her paralyzed.
But she's a strong girl. May God bless her more!

3 40

Am I like キャプテン翼 Captain Tsubasa?

8 63

This is love,SmilePerson knows that SpoiledRabbit just can draw matchstick men,but he is still willing to stand under the burning sun and post for the rabbit to draw.😄

30 87