Anyone else would like a Stallion as a Donk? All I'm saying is one type of Donk is not enough...

36 117

今日も元気だよ ヾ(*ΦωΦ)ノ 安定のゴロゴロ日和 みなさまもゆっくりしてくださいねー❤(。☌ᴗ☌。)

28 60

I love working with people in the community like who did a fantastic job in taking those beautiful photos in horizon zero dawn

Tap to open

20 47

おはよぉーε٩(๑>▽<)۶з 今日は知り合いのジーちゃん バーちゃん家の屋根修理 いってきまーす💥🔨

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