I'm majestically awkward, what's your super power? ❤️ https://t.co/D5IdzZnnsE

4 17

wanted to do something winter but delayed with it 😐

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It’s after midnight and I’m brain dead. Had this stilly idea for mine and 's inquisitors. Two tickets for awkward mages please!

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Are you a people pleaser? Do you find yourself committing to too much to keep others happy, whilst sacrificing your own mental health, time and energy levels? Here's a few nice ways to say no 😘

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I wish i had this experience when i had panic attacks

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I mean, if you want any tips, I've been wriggling out of social occasions for years... any fellow introverts out there? ♥️

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It's 2020, must we still do phone calls? 🤷‍♀️💕

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Pauline is kinda a bitch but she has a point 🤷‍♀️

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New art in the cover which looks so dramatic, plus the music makes it even more dramatic that just by staring at the starting screen makes me feel I have gone through prologue xD

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99% of my art is just me describing how awkward I am in different ways, did you notice? 💁‍♀️

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Especially Jorah, I love sociallyawkward!Jorah so much and sidkgsdhgksghkdfjgh when his ears turned red or when he nervously hummed that song?? saafsfaüsfsügd

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OMG, elle est trop cute !
Peut-être que j'aurais quand même dû la faire un peu plus rondelette, elle aurait été encore plus choute

Melanie © SociallyAwkward-Nerd

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