absorbing. everything. whomwhomwhomwhomwhom

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Thor enemy, Crusher Creel, the Absorbing Man gets his powers (in his first appearance) from Journey into Mystery no.115, April 1965 - after JACK KIRBY & FRANK GIACOIA :)

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14 March 1968: stamps issued in East Germany depicting traditional Sorbian outfits

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The Mangrove Forest : Lungs Of The Earth.

These blue carbon ecosystems are vital in the fight against climate change because they are up to 10 times more effective than terrestrial ecosystems at absorbing and storing carbon over the long run. 

These ecosystems are the best… https://t.co/CMCDriqEqz

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1. The original plan was to have Seilon be just one guy that changed forms by absorbing his other version,I scrapped that idea coz I felt it's too simple and too much like cell

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Top 20 C64 Ocean Games – No.5

Head Over Heels

Arguably the finest isometric arcade adventure of the 80s, Head Over Heels gained an enormous 98% ZZAP! Gold Medal in the summer of 1987. Maddeningly addictive, brilliantly original & chock-full of absorbing gameplay, it's superb.

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Lisa la limo, un personaje que está convirtiéndose en uno de mis OCs favoritos... Está ¿Absorbiendo algo del anillo?

En fin un dibujin rápido que hice con la escasa energía que tengo xD ¡Dadle amor que es muy mona!

11 22

Clark's way more of a country boy, accent n all. And a total himbo. A bit clumsy to. How ever in order to use his full power, his skin and suit terns black and his eyes hear and S glow white indicating him absorbing as much light as possible. >>>

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Would you count absorbing man as a hulk villain ?

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Viridian Bulb, the first "Alternate" Paradox pokemon!
While it closely resembles Bulbasaur, this pokemon's bulb emits light instead of absorbing it 💡
It's said to originate in a timeline where technology exists in harmony with nature 🍃

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Dorsal and ventral view of the Painted Bloodletter! As this dragon stands low to the ground, the elaborate colors are hidden behind a more modest back. The darker wings also aid it in absorbing additional heat at the start of the day.

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Me absorbing the Rainbow energy about to go into a boss fight

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Uuaah not this again😫. I can't... go super sayian to break through. It ... absorbing my energy

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The Erytes are a xeno-mammalian species of creatures who display their carbon forms in unique ways, capable of absorbing intense amounts of radiation into their bulbous bodies. It seems to be made of a substance very similar plasma. They are mostly skilled in mining facilities.

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The cold killing machine of the SMBZ universe. He's feared by many for his power and what he'll do to gain more power. He was a Metal Sonic but he gained this form by absorbing his fellow robots, mainly the other robots based on Sonic.

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*me after absorbing a whole semesters worth of ableism and being in pain like 75% of the time*

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🔴❗COMISIONES EN DESCUENTO❗🔴 POR SER MES DEL AMOR Y LA AMISTAD❤️ nomás 🥺. No es por qué ocupe dinero no no no claro que no *sorbito *
Ofrezco ese tipo de estilo y esos métodos de pago ^_^

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