The Ripping Friends is a cartoon that has the style of humor where anyone and anything can act human. Inanimate objects can come alive! Just for the sake of comedy! And Spümcø cartoons (and the cartoons that relative alumni work on) are the craziest, zaniest, wackiest out there!

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Cigarettes the Cat shaves himself and does a wild take in episode 10 of Icebox/Spümcø's "Weekend Pussy Hunt". Layout by Disney animator KEN BOYER & show animator/design clean-up ; animation/design clean-up also by , and introducing as a P.A.

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Serious Dirty Dog is Serious

Just look at that Spümcø-brand detail!

Is Dirty Dog WORSE than Ren Höek?

From Weekend Pussy Hunt episodes 8-9. Aaron Springer did layout for episode 8 w/clean-up by animator Matt Danner, Todd White, Ray Morelli & Fred Osmond (TBA on episode 9)

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Cigarettes the Cat looks very much like a Bob Clampett-style Looney Tunes characters in Episode 7 of Spümcø's Weekend Pussy Hunt; am I right?

Jim Smith & Aaron Springer shared layout, while Matt Danner animated (and did clean-up with Fred Osmond, Ray Morelli & Todd White)

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Here're some classically cartoony character designs/poses from the Icebox/Spümcø flash cartoon series "Weekend Pussy Hunt".

Despite its trashy content; it is a very fine resource for design and cartooning w/lots of great layout artists. Jim Smith was a big part of this.

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Some reasons why Cartoon Network is "HOME OF THE TOP TOON STARS". I didn't watch these shows much as a kid but, as I grew up in the last decade, found strong appreciation for 'em-and they all have Spümcø alumni (Ren & Stimpy artists) that make CN great!

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If you want a great artist doing the Spümcø Style. Go follow . She’s a great artist, go follow her. This is some of her work:

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Ren & Stimpy, on guard and an undeniably ground-breaking duo... a la Herman and Katnip's "Cheese Burglar" that I just revisited.

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Where our Spümcø alumni at? The amazing Professor Carey Yost, Don Shank & Charlie Bean, in "Custody Battle" boarded by the late & great Chris Reccardi

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Fresh of as Poppy Ranger Diaz in "Lord of the Poppies" because that FACE looked good enough to translate 2 Ren. Fun fact: storyboard supervisor Ken Boyer was on Mighty Mouse &

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A Spümcø self-portrait from about 2014.

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Perhaps should reboot

Think about it. worked on Teen Titans, Teen Titans Go!, DC Super Hero Girls, and THIS cartoon. There's also , , Mark Ackland, ...

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Regardless of the original designs, specials (i.e. "Boo Boo Runs Wild") were AMAZING! Sure; they're kind of off-model, but Thundercats Roar does that too.

You can thank from Spongebob for doing the "story sketches".

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Next best thing since Try on for size! An action crazy like The Justice Friends! Glorious This's kind of from where & Disney TVA's storyboarding duo & Mark Ackland came.

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