Squirrel Trio & Dergs oh my!

For & (FA) respectively and in celebration of the Dragon(16th) and Squirrel(21st) appreciation days a short while back!

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Celebrate freethinkers day with Pipsqueak the squirrel who is busy living life his own way! 🥳

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I drew a nutty for (1/21) but a lil' late with being busy. 🥲 Then again I can appreciate a squirrel (and Butters) any time of the year! 🌰🐿️💕

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It might be way past by now but I designed this really adorable squirrel girl character for it and I wanted to share her with all of you 😃
I missed drawing animals like this and she was super fun to design! 🐿

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Ein bisschen spät zum
... aber dafür um so mehr von 💗
Allen Geburtstagshörnchen heute die allerliebsten Glückwünsche!


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'Pattertwig ... was, like many squirrels, full of courage and dash and energy and excitement and mischief ...' CS Lewis, Prince Caspian.

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Happy Finally getting around to developing Wendy and her sisters as characters was one of the best ways my art developed in 2021. And I have many more ideas for art featuring them to come!

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I thought for I'd share one of my favorite fictional characters that influenced me to make art/animations, Amy the Squirrel. Without Amy, there'd probably be no Maxwell.

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Only just found out! Here are some squirrels…

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Alston's (Prosciurillus alstoni), the largest of the dwarf found on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. by Bruno Geisler for Säugethiere vom Celebes, No.6-7 (1896-99) via & : https://t.co/Ji035y27xc

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It's So here are a few of my favorite drawings of Maxwell!

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The german Pokewiki states that the inspiration for Pikachu's design was actually a squirrel.
So here ya go xD

Also xD

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Today is and even though these little fluff-balls can be a bit of a nuisance when it comes to raiding feeders, they are still wonderful animals! Did you know, for example, that their sense of smell is really good?

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Squirrel Girl is the best example of and her comic shows us just how amazing squirrels really are!

Writer and artist capture a great conversation while adding facts about squirrels to help us learn more about them!

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Happy Love seeing them in the garden and intend to paint more! Tinker dog used to appreciate them a little too much but Paisley is much more chilled about them!😆

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In honor of here is a quick sketch of a Delmarva Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger cinereus). The Delmarva Fox Squirrel is endangered at the state level here in Delaware.

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Today is Squirrel appreciation day. So to celebrate the awesomeness of these lovely little creatures....here's a few of my squirrel drawings :)

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