Just Released: This (<2 hour) online course on Basic Psychosocial Support (in English, Sinhala & Tamil) may be useful for people trying to support each other in the


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He is a Srilanka based artist , who is into illustrations and animations.

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Da quando ho letto 'L'unica persona nera...' di ho voglia di libri sul Poco fa ho mollato a 90% 'Anil's Ghost' di ma oggi ha presentato di che sembra stupendo https://t.co/MWGbvRx2NG

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Now situation in Srilanka😂
They are trying Everything
Dont be a joke further

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President Rajapaksa invoked 36-hour curfew and state of emergency allowing the military to arrest and imprison suspects for long periods without trial, deployed soldiers armed with automatic assault rifles for 'crowd control'.

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විරුද්ධත්වය ප්‍රකාශ කිරීම දේශප්‍රේමීය.
විරුද්ධත්වය ප්‍රකාශ කිරීම ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදීය.
විරෝධය දැක්වීම මානව හිමිකමකි.

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What happens when you put Rajapaksa’s whole family in control!!

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Hololiveファンアート無視されるptsdのせいでtwitterに載せるのが嫌だったがお前の前で言える苦痛ではないね。 私は Srilanka, 韓国, Ireland 留学生活をしながら適応できなくて学生時代に台無しにした人なの。 それで君を友達のように思ったんだ。

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Tag yourself I am ඩිප ගහපු එකා + වල් එකා 😂😂😂😂

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Happy 2022 everyone! ✨

Thank you all for your lovely support during another adventures ride of the year !

Cheers! 🎉

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