Goals and plans and childish dreams and whether the distinctions matter. Click here -- https://t.co/Hc0zIScVtU -- to join &

2 4

It's Super Bowl Sunday, but it's also CSotD's 11th birthday. Celebrate both by clicking here -- https://t.co/zUwva6FXij -- to join &

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We've traveled down this road before. Click here -- https://t.co/dQYBdYThYt -- and gaze into the future, and the past, with &

1 5

Reality checks are never much fun, but sometimes they're amusing. Click here -- https://t.co/Kx3DfFrbWZ -- and join &

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Paying the bounties, holding the reins. Click here -- https://t.co/kwVo6MU1LW -- and join & plus some truly inspiring words from at a time we could use them.

4 8

Coverage schmoverage :-)
Stahler and

8 16

Aw, geez, Marla, nothing good ever comes of that. Friday Funnies explores truth, justice, cliches and blowholes, w/ & -- https://t.co/Jr1r4uo0nf

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Our digital times :-)
& Stahler

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Times gone by... when the pen was mightier than the sword...

by Stahler

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Our digital times :-)
and Jeff Stahler

21 20

Beautiful joke real close to the truth from Jeff Stahler.

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