Come and pay tribute for the late artist Lilly that passed away yesterday.. She worked with Astel, Anya & Ollie on their projects. She also amde many wonderful fanarts. One last time, let's honour her.. Remember to be respectful.

Link :

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10+ Years. Thank you, for everything. From mutual anime/gaming interests to growing past that, finding new interests, and still being friends.

I am forever blessed to have met you. I would not be the person I am today without you.

Sleep well within the stars.

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(supported by gg trans)

I usually follow her fanart, one of her followers. Her passing was so sudden, I really wanted to accept the truth but it was so devastating. Rest in peace, Lilly san...

29 179

i remembered how much you loved solomon. im glad our ocs could be the best of friends.

20 138

Rest easy sweet Lilly.. 💙✨

112 552

we never talked, but i always really admired your art
thank you for shining so brightly for everyone around you
please rest well

41 254

I didn't know her personally, but I remember seeing her around on a very old mmo I used to play
She drew such beautiful art of others

Her art always had a gentle feel to them. I loved them so much and they inspired me so...
Rest in peace, you beautiful star.

76 392

Good luck on your journey back to the stars

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