Gestern den Film gesehen, musste ich heute einfach schnell was skizzieren :D

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I loved every minute of and cherished every second was onscreen <3

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Boldly Go, a new Kelvin timeline comic series set after coming in October:

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live long and prosper bes 🖖 easyhan mo lang bes 🖖#StarTrek

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The posters keep coming for with just a week to go:

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Finally LGBTQ+ representation in Star Trek! 🖖 Congratulations Hikaru! ❤️

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New poster is a cool blast from the past that pays homage to the original

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New International Poster ... new trailer right here ->

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Spock Rock Easter Island Head Star Trek Men's Sweatshirt

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Everyone is talking today but that trailer got me feeling some type of way

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